This item #s2362-1933 is a replacement rosette kit (includes disc, 2 screws And 2 pins ) for use with Sachtler models: V18P V18S V18SB V18S1 V20P V20S V20SB V20S1 Cine7+7.
Using this item as a substitute for discontinued item #1800-60 (sko13e0460): Item #s2362-1933 can be used as a similar substitute for discontinued item #1800-60 (sko13e0460) with the following caveats: You will only be able to secure the rosette with 2 screws (instead of 4 screws like on the original 1800-60) and will not be able to secure the rosette with any pins. Use this item as a substitute at your own risk, we are only providing alternative information.